Go from idea to mature writings

Writing is uniquely effective at exploring, clarifying and giving life to ideas. The process can be daunting and tedious. Writerflint smooths it.

One-click iteration

Start where your thoughts are, iterate fearlessly as they progress, access previous versions easily.

Connect related writings

Rich, dynamic ways to organise and reorganise multiple pieces and ideas.

Fluid writing process

As versatile as your thoughts as you repeatedly refine, reorganise, research and incorporate feedback.

Share writings

Easily share for editing and feedback along the way. Publish when ready.

Photo by Michael Behrens on Unsplash

Experience Writerflint with featured pieces

  • The 8:45 to Tolerance is a short story about the journey in the fictional city of Tolerance. Along the way it raises questions about tolerance: what is it? What is it not? Is it worth pursuing?
  • Currency of the realm is an essay that explores that observation that different realms value different things and knowing what's valued and not becomes invaluable if you want to succeed in that realm.
  • Software design and personal background is an essay that examines how personal experience shapes software design and the implications of that to users.

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